

Discerning your vocation?

First of all, please bear in mind that every human life, yours included, is precious, personally beloved and unrepeatable in the eyes of God. With that basic reality discerned, what vocation is God calling you to?

Is Jesus calling you to Holy Matrimony?  [  Pope Francis urges married couples to continually practice 3 words  ] 

Is Jesus calling you to be a Religious Sister or Nun? Is Jesus calling you to be a Religious Brother, a Monk, a Friar and/or a Priest? [  A helpful essay on how to discern a call to religious life  ] Being a member of a Religious Family of Religious Sisters or Religious Brothers is an often overlooked vocation nowadays.

Is Jesus calling you to be a Single Person, living in chastity?  Blessed Ivan Merz (1896-1928) is a remarkable example of what a single layperson can do. For Ivan Merz, being a Single Person, living in chastity, was his calling from God.

In this noisy, hyper-busy and stressed-out world, hearing God's quiet, whispering call is increasingly difficult. Nonetheless, God does continue to call young people (and some not so young!) to their vocation.

In discerning your vocation: Pray, pray, pray!  Please prayerfully resolve to always (a) do the right thing and (b) do the best you can - no matter how hard or easy things get. And with the help of God's grace and forgiveness, live what you pray. Then you will be well on the way to hearing Jesus' loving and personal call to a most joyful life for you.


called to Franciscans

[For meditating on St. Teresa of Avila’s famous line quoted above in our Franciscan poster, here is her quote in its entirety: “Christ has no body but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which He looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which He walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which He blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are His body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.”]

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