9 a.m. Divine Mercy Mass, Second Sunday of Easter, April 19 at Sacred Heart, Milwaukee
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Day 9 (final day!) of the Divine Mercy Novena (Easter Saturday)
Day 8 of the Divine Mercy Novena (Easter Friday) [Unfortunately, Day 8 was entirely deleted when Fr Ivan tried to remove this video from the Parish's main Facebook page. Please call Fr Ivan if you need the prayers for Day 8, at 414-774-9418.]
Day 7 of the Divine Mercy Novena (Easter Thursday)
Day 6 of the Divine Mercy Novena(Easter Wednesday)
Day 5 of the Divine Mercy Novena(Easter Tuesday)
Day 4 of the Divine Mercy Novena(Easter Monday)
Day 3 of the Divine Mercy Novena(Easter Sunday)
Days 1 & 2 of the Divine Mercy Novena(Good Friday & Holy Saturday)