Saturday | 4:30 PM (English)
Sunday | 9:00 AM (English)
| 10:30 AM (Croatian)
Tuesday–Friday | 7:45 AM
Rosary | 7:20 AM
2nd & 4th Friday | 6:00 PM
(during Praise & Worship)
By Appointment | Contact parish office
Tuesdays at 6:30 pm in Croatian
Fridays at 6 pm in English
For more than 100 years our parish has been dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is full of love and mercy for every person. Jesus said, "I AM the Way and the Truth and the Life." We seek to embrace the love and mercy poured out by His Sacred heart, by embracing Him, who is the Truth, and by seeking to follow the Way to Life.
Sacred Heart Congregation was incorporated on April 4, 1917, with permission from Archbishop Sebastian Messmer of Milwaukee. Its first pastor was Fr. Placid Belavic, a Croatian Franciscan priest. The parish purchased its first church from German Lutherans in 1917 at 7th and Galena.
In 1922, Fr. Dragutin Jesih revitalized the parish, founding the Croatian Catholic Union, Young Ladies Sodality, and other groups. The Croatian Franciscans continued to serve the parish for over 90 years. After World War II, the parish relocated to its present site on 49th and Wells. The first Mass was celebrated in November 1949. Sacred Heart expanded with the opening of the parish hall in 1956 and Sacred Heart Elementary School in 1957.
The Second Vatican Council (1962-65) led to Masses in both Croatian and English, with increased lay participation. In 1979, the bell tower was built, using bells donated in 1917.
2nd & 4th Friday
6 pm
April 27
2 pm - 5 pm
May 18
10:30 am - 2 pm
June 7 & 8
2nd & 4th Friday
6 pm
April 27
2 pm - 5 pm
Looking to get involved? Join one of our various committees & ministries! If you'd like more information contact the parish office!
Our Parish Life Committee is responsible for all fundraising efforts within the parish. This dedicated group works hard to plan and organize events such as our annual festival, Palačinka (Crepe) Brunch, Fall Bazaar, Christmas Market, and so much more!
The (Liturgy) Decorating Committee works closely with the pastor to prepare the church for liturgical feasts.
The Parish Faith Formation & Evangelization Committee collaborates with the pastor to find ways to support faith formation at all levels, develop faith formation programs, and organize events such as the All Saints Day party, Advent Candlelight Masses, Bethlehem Night, candlelight rosary, St. Nick celebration, and more!
The Building and Grounds Committee is responsible for maintaining the parish grounds, including planting and watering flowers, light cleaning, and leading the annual spring cleaning initiative in the parish!
We would love to welcome you to our community! Join us for Mass, Praise & Worship, or any of our events! If you'd like to register as a parishioner, simply click the button below. We look forward to getting to know you!